Results of the Work – 2/22/24

Hey Sisters and Brothers in Christ,

I hope your week was well spent resting in the Lord and His great grace. I had a good week on campus. Calvin and Tilicia prayed with me to receive Jesus yesterday.

Myles and Simone prayed with me earlier in the week so 4 students prayed to receive Christ after I told them the Gospel and one said they would pray later (Fabian). Calvin and Tilicia’s stories are below if you have the time. Please pray these all grow in their faith. I’m home today trying to recover from a chronic cough.

Calvin was a very big guy sitting at the stretch of tables in the PE lounge. He had a bushy beard largely on his jaw line and a mustache flat to his lip above it as thick as my finger, though thinner than his. He’s an African American guy and is on the offensive line on the football team. He was dressed in a black pull over hoodie that had info about bats printed on it and cotton-polyester sweats on. He had glasses that were gunmetal rectangles and a mole perfectly centered between his eyebrows. He seemed like a genuinely humble guy and was soft spoken. I asked him one thing he’d like to do before he died and he said, “Get close to God, as close as I can… if there is a God.” I asked him what he would say to God if he died and was he was asked, “Why should I let you into Heaven?” “Because I did what I could to get close to you,” he replied. He thought he had a 50/50 chance of going to Heaven. I began to go through the Gospel with him and he knew Jesus had died to take away his sins. He listened closely and made eye contact and wasn’t distracted. I finished explaining the blood of Christ to cleanse him and the righteousness of God to his credit by adoption and salvation my faith. I asked if he would want to be forgiven for his sins and he looked hard at me and nodded, I explained the prayer and asked if it expressed the desire of his heart and he nodded again. So I said he could pray it silently and know he was forgiven and asked if he’d want to do that and he again nodded. He took the booklet then and prayed to receive Jesus. I began to go through the Christian life with him. He did not have a Bible so I gave him one. I wrote his name and the date and “forgiven!” in the front and explained how to use some of it. I gave him Bible Promises for You and though he said he was not a reader except to do school work I gave him The Case for Christ Answer Booklet saying Strobel had videos he could watch. I gave him a Bible study and told him I would pray a Bible verse for him each day from now through Spring and a year after. I told him the likelihood he would now go to Heaven, now trusting in the righteousness of Christ and his blood was 100%. I got up to go and he said, “Thank you.” I nodded and said “See you in Heaven man.” “See you,” he replied. And I headed out.

I talked to a Christian guy who was dating a Mormon, and warned him marrying her would make him unhappy and screw up any kids they’d have. He was grateful for what I taught him and she’s away at BYU (I think the one in Idaho). They were having difficulties so if you read this please pray they break up.

I came across Talicia at about 2:30 or 3. She was a short black girl with a cute face small nose, round head and long straight hair that she had pulled back in a hair band. She had some kind of Las Vegas t-shirt on under a grey cardigan, black leggings and was a bit heavy.  She was a biology student, very sweet girl. I asked her what she would say to God if He asked why should I let you into Heaven and she said, “Um I would say… well my main thing is I try to live by His word all the time, I try my best. I even talk to my people about him.” She thought she had a 50/50 chance of going to Heaven saying she still had lots of stuff to get consistent. As I began to go through the Gospel I asked what Jesus had done to take away the sins of the world and she said, “He died and rose again.” I explained then that Jesus blood cleansed her so God could live inside her and was a payment for her sins. I explained the righteousness of God to her credit saying she would not go to Heaven because she was good but because Jesus was good and she was connected to Him. God wanted to adopt her and give her the blessings of His family. These blessings were hers by faith, believing Jesus was God had died for her sins and rose from the dead, not that she just knew the story but that she put her trust in that. So if someone would say to her, “Why should God let you into Heaven she’d say, “Because Jesus died for me” I asked if she’d like to be forgiven or thought something else. “Forgiven,” she said. So I said to her also there was a prayer she could pray and talked her through it asked if it expressed the desire of her heart. She said, “Um hmm.” I said she could pray it silently and she nodded saying she’d like to and she prayed to receive Jesus. I gave her Bible Promises for you writing her name and the date and “forgiven!” in the front. I said the likelihood now she would go to Heaven trusting in the righteousness of Jesus was 100%. I said I’d pray a Bible verse for her each day through Spring and one year after. I gave her The Case for Christ Answer Book and a Bible study and I mentioned I had a book on evolution, that it was quotes from evolutionists betraying their lack of confidence in their own paradigm. She said that was ok and that she was convinced evolution was not possible. I mentioned a couple proofs that evolutionary theory failed and we talked more about the darkness in the world today but that God had something for each of us to do. “You know I think that book might be helpful,” she said. I agreed, so I took it out and gave her, Evolutionists Say the Oddest Things. Natural Selection is simply an invisible power that has no scientific evidence that Darwin creates to replace God. Nothing is biology gives the least hint of being random and the environment does not select minor changes in life forms, the code in the life form is already built by God to be able to adapt. Even the mutations follow a pattern in Humans, only one in 1,000 of which are positive. We had a good talk and another friend came by I had yet to see this semester who I pray for, Isabella. She moved on after chatting with Talicia and I said, “I’ll see ya in Heaven and if I see you on campus I’ll just give you a nod.” “Thank you so much,” Talicia replied. “You’re welcome, thanks for your time,” I replied. “Of course,” she said and I headed off.

So thanks for your prayers for the ministry and evangelism yesterday if you had the time. God truly blessed.

In Him,
