If you died and were standing before God, and He asked you
“Why should I let you into Heaven?”, what would you say to Him?
This is the question posed to college students during contact evangelism. Some have the answer, many think they have the answer and a few have no idea.
Every week, Bob engages students in conversation. He has presented the Gospel to several thousand of students and God continues to bring many into a saving knowledge of Himself by His Spirit. Others come to a clearer understanding of their faith and how to pursue their relationship with God.
The ministry continues to multiply as students are trained in evangelism and begin sharing about a life in Christ with their friends and classmates.
About this ministry, Bob says “It’s like Jesus says in the Gospel of John, ‘No one can come to Me unless the Father who sent me draws him.’ We are just a mouthpiece empowered by the prayers of God’s people and led by His Spirit. I’m grateful to the Lord for allowing us to be part of the work of leading someone to Himself.”
“What a biblical ministry. In 2,000 years there has been no improvement on Jesus’ fundamental idea, which is to make disciples and reach the lost, one by one, with the Gospel. And that is exactly what they do; I enthusiastically endorse Third Watch Ministries.”
-Rev. Bruce Love, former Vice-President, Youth for Christ