Hey Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
I hope your day was blessed knowing you are born of Him. I had a good day on campus met with a guy and Jude and Donte prayed to receive Jesus. Their stories are below of you want to take the time. Please pray they grow in their faith.
Jude was sitting in a ground floor vending machine lounge of the BIC next to a hallway with skylights three stories up. He was looking at his phone so he seemed like he might have some time. He was willing and reached out and shook my hand when I gave him my name. He wore a Cubs hat with a bear inside the C, a blue hoodie and jeans. He was clean-shaven breaking out a bit and looked like the cartoon character DJ in the movie “Monster House”. He was a nice guy and when I asked him one thing he wanted to do before he died he said, “Have a family.” That response is a basically a 100% tell a guy will come to Christ or is already a Christian. I asked him what he would say to God if he died and was asked, “Why should I let you into Heaven?” He said, “’Cause you’re full of mercy.” He thought the likelihood he would go to Heaven was 30% and went to a Catholic Church. I began to go through the Gospel with him and explained John 17:3, “Eternal life is knowing God,” because the Holy Spirit lives inside you. So if you know God that way you’d be one with God who is eternal and the source of life. So you’d have eternal life. So God wants to live inside you but first He has to take away your sin so you are made like God. I compared it to a blood transfusion. I asked, “So what is the big thing Jesus does while He is on earth to take away your sins?” He dies on the cross,” he replied. I agreed and explained the atonement. Jesus blood cleanses us and is a payment to God for what we owe, “God got paid.” He was pretty serious throughout and said next to nothing. I went on to say Jesus earned the righteousness of God and this righteousness, like extra credit in a class, was given to him when he was adopted by God. I said all Jesus has done was his by faith. I then said this was in the symbolism of the Mass, the wafer was symbolic of His body and the wine His blood and it was saying Jesus had died for you so you are forgiven so when you take it you should just say “Thank You.” I finally got him to smile with the idea his good stuff did not fix his bad stuff. I said, “You seem like a pretty good person, do good things, you’re a Cub fan so you must be loyal.” He smiled and agreed. “Say you had a girlfriend and you thought she was pretty cool. Then you found out she was cheating on you and stealing your stuff. So you cut her loose. She comes around in about a week and says, ‘Jude I know I did you really wrong, I was even stealing your stuff and selling it for drugs. But I just want you to know I’m gonna be nice to my next 3 boyfriends.’” He scoffed and agreed this was laughable. I asked him if he wanted to be forgiven for his sins or thought something else. Showing him the 2 circles one with God living inside him forgiving him and giving him strength with the Holy Spirit the other with God outside his life. “That one,” he replied pointing to the circle with God inside. “So when you are asking for forgiveness for your sins have you been thinking God is merciful so He will forgive me or have you been thinking I know I’ll be forgiven because Jesus died for me or did you never really think about it?” I asked. “Never really thought about it,” he admitted. So I said, “If you’d want to be forgiven there’s a prayer you can pray.” I talked him through the prayer reading the line, “It says here Does this prayer express the desire of you heart? Would you say it does? “Yeah,” he replied looking at it. I continued saying he could pray it silently. Wanna do it? “Yeah,” he said. He prayed then to receive Jesus. I explained the Christian life to him. He had a Bible so I said John was a good place to start to read. I gave him Bible Promises for You and wrote his name and the date and “forgiven!” in the front. He said, “Thank you,” when I handed it to him. I gave him a Bible Study to read and The Case for Christ Answer Booklet And said the likelihood he would now go to Heaven was 100% trusting in the blood and righteousness of Jesus that was worth an infinite amount. I explained living by the Spirit’s Power, Inside Out, asking God to transform him. I told him I would pray a Bible Verse for him each day from now until Spring and on year after asking God to bless him. He thanked me and I got up to go shaking his hand telling him I would see him in Heaven. “Merry Christmas,” I said. “Merry Christmas,” he replied and I headed off.
Donte was in the medical building in a short hall on the first floor that ends in an exit door at the east end to go outside. He had dark blue near black jeans on wore a grey pulled up over a watch cap on his head. Her wore small wire rectangle glasses and had a small face with a mustache and a chin beard from what I could see of it, not very tall. He was African American and had a frank look on his face as we talked. He said he had gone to church every day and then corrected it to every weekend, until High School. He was engaged and tracked with everything right through, he described himself as “quiet and reserved” though. I asked him what he would say to God if he did and were asked, “Why should I let you into Heaven?’ “There’s nothing I can say that would make you change your mind from what you’ve decided already. I only hope that the things I’ve done in my life would let me into Heaven.” He said he thought he had a 50/50 chance when I asked the likelihood he would get into Heaven. He said it with kind of a bit of a scoff, almost like “Well, good luck with that.” He listened closely to the Gospel and he knew Jesus had died to take away his sins saying He was crucified. Once again he seemed focused and smiled a bit at word pictures but said nothing as I went through the Gospel saying everything I had said to Jude. So after explaining the blood and righteousness of Jesus, to his credit, I asked him if he would want to be forgiven for his sins or thought something else. “I would want to be forgiven for my sins,” he said with conviction. So I said if he wanted to be forgiven there was a prayer he could pray and I turned the page and explained the prayer. “Can I take a picture of that?” he asked. “You can keep the booklet but if you wanted to be forgiven you could pray this silently right now. I wouldn’t hear you but God would hear and you’d know you were forgiven. Wanna do it?” There was a hitch in time then and he said, “Yeah,” and took the booklet and prayed to receive Jesus. I began to go through the Christian life with him and he said he had a Bible, “It’s in my pack,” he replied. So I told him he could read in John. I explained that the Christina life was by the Spirit’s Power. He would give him all the strength he needed to do whatever God wanted him to do and that Christianity was living “Inside out” first we are transformed by the Spirit than we become good men who will do good things. The likelihood he’d now go to Heaven was 100%. Take the two of us, I’m old so I’ve sinned way more than you. I sin every year and by now there is a big pile God has forgiven. But if they did something and collapsed the building on us and we stood before God and He looked at your pile He might send you and say to me, we need to talk.” He laughed. “But it’s not what we’ve done but what Jesus has done that will get us in, so I’ll get in too even though you deserve it more.” I said it like I was cheating on him and he grinned. I gave him Bible Promises for You writing his name and the date and forgiven on the inside. I gave him The Case for Christ Answer Booklet and a Bible study explaining it a bit and said I would keep him in my prayers from now until Spring and one year after, praying a Bible verse for him each day. He shook my hand as I got up to go and said, “Thank you.” Merry Christmas,” I replied and he said Merry Christmas and he went upstairs with about 10 minutes before class started and headed off to meet a guy.
So thanks for your prayers for the ministry and for evangelism today if you had a chance. God truly blessed today.
In Him,