Hey Sisters and Brothers in Christ,
I hope your day was blessed and God provided you with all good things from above. I had a good day on campus and Myles prayed to receive Jesus, Fabian said he would “go and pray” as we parted company so I hope did or will, he was a Latino wearing a black ball cap backwards with a hoodie on with colored skulls like the Day of the Dead is depicted in Mexico. His features were sharply pronounced and he had wavy shaped upper lip. He was raised Roman Catholic. He watched his Parents convert to Jehovah’s witnesses which he rejected having investigated on his own and deciding he believed Jesus was God. He did not attend Church but hung out with some friends who studied the Bible but was trusting in his religious works when we met. Janiyah trusted Christ last Thursday and I never wrote about it being both busy and sick on the weekend. So those stories are below if you have time. Please pray they grow in their faith or in the case of Fabian that he realizes his need to trust in Christ alone by faith, his works empowered by the Holy Spirit.
Myles was sitting in some stuffed chairs in a circle outside the cafeteria. He’s a tall lean looking guy. He was wearing a “Saint’s” black with white sleeves letterman style jacket. He had black sweats on that said NASA and wore white high tops. He had gold wire rimmed glasses that were near round and wore a black watch cap. I asked him what he would say to God if asked why He should let him into Heaven and he said, “I would say I’ve been a devout follower and… Humm, I trust that he would make the right decision.” He thought he was 95% sure he would go to Heaven. His mom he said made them all go to Church and was a strong Christian. I asked him what Jesus had done to take away his sins and he said, “He forgives you,” in a less than sure tone. I said it was true He forgives and he does this by the payment of His life. I began to go through the Gospel with him and when I finished explaining the how Jesus’ blood, of infinite value, paid God back for all the imperfect things we owed God something perfect for he enthusiastically said, “Cool.” I explained the righteousness of God to his credit and he could receive Christ by faith. I asked if he would want to be forgiven trusting in what Jesus had done or thought something else and he said, “A life entrusted to Christ,” reading that descriptive line from the booklet. So I said, ‘Well it doesn’t seem like you had put all this together before.” He said he hadn’t so I said if he wanted to trust in what Jesus had done on the cross there was a prayer he could pray and I read through it explaining it. I then asked reading, “Does this prayer express the desire of you heart?” “Yeah,” he said and so I said he could pray it silently would he like to do so. “Yeah,” he said again. And he took the booklet and prayed to receive Jesus. He had his own Bible and I encouraged him to begin to read in John. I said he should confess his sins and God would always forgive him already knowing what he’d done a hundred thousand years before. I explained living “Inside > Out” by the Spirit’s power and gave him Bible Promises for You writing his name and the date and “forgiven!” on the outside. I gave him a Bible study and told him now trusting in the righteousness of God to be His righteousness the likelihood he would go to Heaven was 100%. I said that though cumulatively I had sinned far more than he through the years there was infinite supply of the righteousness of God and the Blood of Christ was worth an infinite amount so it would cover us both. I told him I would pray a Bible Verse for him each day and gave him The Case for Christ Answer Booklet telling him Strobel had more on line. He was grateful and I got up to go and said “I’ll see you in Heaven, I’m older so I’ll get there first and show you where the cool things are.” “Hopefully not anytime soon, God bless you,” he said and I headed off.
On Thursday Janiyah was sitting in the lounge on the corner of the first floor of the BIC right before it enters into a hallway headed to the cafeteria. She sat on her legs more or less kneeling and made a place for me in front of her saying she’d like to do a survey. Her interest seemed to be in part provoked by a lady she worked with who had been quoting the Bible to her. I asked if she had a Bible and she said no but she wanted one and was intending to get one so I said I had one for her and gave it to her at the end. She had her hair in corn rows tied to her head and wore torn jeans and had a hoodie on. She had a cut oval face and a warm slime a smallish nose and her chin was kind of squared. She was not a very big person. I asked her what she would say to God to get into Heaven. “Ok now Humm,” she replied thinking. “I’d say you saw my life; I deserved better than this.” She was 100% sure she would go to Heaven. As I explained the Gospel she leaned in with her face close to the booklet. I explained the blood of Christ to save her though she seemed to remember Jesus had died for her sins of the world though not having been to Church since she was little. After going through the atonement with her I explained the righteousness of Christ and she said, “OK,” accepting what I was saying as if it made sense to her. I said that she could be forgiven receiving Christ by faith and I asked her if she wanted to trust in what Jesus had done for her to be forgiven or thought something else explaining how Islam or Buddha would differ. “I think all the religions have something… everyone has something right to say. [but] I’d be forgiven.” She replied. So I said if she’d like to be forgiven there was a prayer she could pray and I talked her through it and asked if she’d like to pray it silently. She said she would and took the booklet and prayed then to receive Jesus. I gave her the Bible then writing her name and the date and “forgiven!” in the front which she really liked. I gave her Bible Promises for You and The Case for Christ Answer Booklet I also gave her a Bible Study and told her I would pray for her each day until Spring and one year after. I said the likelihood she would go to Heaven was now 100% trusting in Jesus Righteousness to be her righteousness. She was thankful and I headed out.
So thanks for your prayers for the ministry and for evangelism if you had a chance. God truly blessed.
In Him,