Results of the Work – 5/8/24

Hey Sisters and Brothers in Christ,

I hope ya had a great day walking in His light and truth. I had a good day on campus and Jalen and Jay each prayed with me to receive Christ. I also bumped into Derrick who had told me on April 3rd he would pray later. It turned out he had prayed to receive Christ. Their stories are below if you have some time. Please pray they grow in their faith.

I parked in a spot that was almost straight across a circle seating area with pavers and walls next to the waterfall they have not turned on yet sadly. It’s in front of the doors near the cafeteria. So instead of going inside the nearest door I decided to walk through the warm sunshine to the cafeteria foyer doors. An African American guy, Jalen was on my way sitting on the half wall facing the half circle drive for buses. He was slightly built and had a brown stretch cap tight around his head made out of vinyl or leather, I couldn’t tell. He had on a grey pull over hoodie with frayed sleeve ends and the grey sweats he had on matched it and had pockets. He said he’d been named for Jalen Rose the basketball player out of Michigan. He had kind of a pointed chin and oval face, from my angle sitting beside him and a smaller nose, perfect skin, slight mustache, good looking guy. I asked him what he would say to God if he died and was asked, “Why should I let you into Heaven?” “I shouldn’t be let into Heaven right now,” he replied. I would usually ask if there was a “but” in there, after. But he was frank and said, “I might as well be honest.” I agreed. He said that he came from a “religious household” and his Grand Father who had just recently died was a pastor. This, as if to tell me his bona fides and the validity of his personal assessment. I asked him what the likelihood was he would go to Heaven if God might be merciful. “50% chance,” he replied. I said the rest of the survey was about what he thought about Christianity and I thought he would like it. I began to explain that God loved him and wanted to be one and live inside him but to do that He had to take away his sins and make him “His type” like a blood transfusion. I asked what Jesus had done to take away his sins. “He died on the cross,” he replied. I agreed and began to explain what that would mean, that he was cleansed from sin by the blood of Christ and so God could then live inside him. This was how God got paid, by the perfect blood of Christ—worth an infinite amount—so it was fair to forgive him. Then Jesus earned the righteousness of God to his credit. So he would not go to Heaven because he was good but because Jesus was good and he was connected to Him. God wanted to adopt him and make him his child and give him the blessings of His family, (giving him) the sacrifice for his sins, the blood that cleansed him and the righteousness of God that surrounded him. “So you got some place to go, Heaven and something to wear when ya get there, the righteousness of God,” I said. I told him that he needed to receive Christ by faith. So I asked if he would want to be forgiven for his sins or thought something else. “I’d want to be forgiven,” he replied. So I said if he wanted to be forgiven there was a prayer he could pray and I talked him through it, and he took it in reading it as I did. I asked if it expressed the desire of his heart. He said, “Yeah.” I said he could pray it silently right now. I wouldn’t hear him but God would hear and he’d know he was forgiven. “OK I’ll do it.” He replied. He took the booklet and said, “Say this out loud?” he asked. “No just inside.” “In my heart” he said as I said, “God hears your heart.” He prayed then to receive Christ. I said now trusting in the righteousness of God to be his righteousness the likelihood he would go to Heaven was 100%. I said again how Jesus’ blood and righteousness was worth an infinite amount and would be enough for us both. I have him Bible Promises for You writing his name and the date and “forgiven!” on the inside. I also gave him a Bible Study and The Case for Christ Answer Booklet. “Thank you,” he said and shook my hand. I told him Ephesians 1:13 says as soon as you believe God seals you with the Holy Spirit. And there is nothing you can do that is greater than the blood of Christ to forgive you. “Thank you,” he said looking me in the eye. “Thank you, appreciate you,” he said again. I said “thanks” and he was welcome and I headed inside grateful I had met him.

I found Derrick on the 3rd floor, I actually went there hoping to find him again before the semester ended and he was sitting at the same table. He said he’d prayed and the prayer in the booklet and had read The Case for Easter, which I gave him. He is a black guy with a beard and rough top afro, today he was wearing a ball cap. He’s a really friendly guy who had hoped he go to Heaven for being a “pretty good person”. I gave him a copy of Bible Promises for You and wrote his name and the year and “forgiven!” in the front, which he liked. I gave him a Bible study and since he was a reader I gave him a copy of The Student Edition of The Case for Christ. He was happy to get a book. So I fist bumped him and was on my way saying that I had been praying for him but I would put him on a list and pray a Bible verse for him each day for the next year.

Jay was sitting in the second-floor hallway of the BIC. She had a black mask on but it was pulled down under her chin. She had a cute, warm, friendly face, was a bit heavy set. Her hair was in ringlets to her shoulders and she had fair skin for a black girl. She had on black pants and black rectangular framed glasses and a black t-shirt with “Tupac” (a rapper dead in 1996 in a drive by shooting) written on it in colorful letters. I asked her what she would say to God to get into Heaven. “That’s a really… wow. I don’t know what I would say,” she replied. So I asked what do you think you have to do to get into Heaven. “I was always told if you do more good than bad you’ll get into Heaven,” she replied. She thought she had a 50% chance of getting into Heaven. I asked her if she ever went to church, “Like when you were a kid?” I added. She said, “I wear a cross for protection.” She had gone to church when she was little but her mom had given each of them a cross to wear (there was one around her neck and she showed me a beaded bracelet that had a cross as well). Her mom had said the cross would protect her though they were not going to church, or when they were not there. I began to go through the Gospel with her asking her what Jesus had done to take away her sins. “He died,” she replied. I explained the sacrifice of Christ then to cleanse her by his blood and pay God back for all the imperfect things we had done that we owed God something perfect for. I explained the righteousness of Christ, adoption and becoming a child of God by receiving Jesus by faith. I asked if she would like to be forgiven trusting in what Jesus had done on the cross then He could live inside her with His Holy Spirit by faith or did she “think something else?” “Be forgiven,” she replied. I talked through the prayer and asked if it was the “desire of your heart?” “Yeah…” she said with kind of a musical lilt in her voice. So I said she could pray it silently right now and know she was forgiven. “Sure,” she said shyly and she took the booklet and prayed to receive Jesus. She did not have a Bible so I gave her one and showed her all the study helps in it. It has many of the prophecies He fulfilled His miracles and parables and a 30-day reading schedule. I wrote her name and the date and “forgiven!” in the front. I told her the likelihood she would now go to Heaven was 100% trusting in the blood and righteousness of Jesus. I told her I would pray a Bible verse for her each day from now until this time next year. I also gave her Bible Promises for You and a Bible study. “I’ll see you in Heaven,” I said, getting up to go. “Thank you,” she said. And I headed off.

So thanks for your prayers for the ministry and for evangelism today if you had a chance. God truly blessed.

In Him,
