Results of the Work – 2/12/24

Hey Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

I hope your day was blessed walking by the Spirit. I had a good day on campus. Alex prayed to receive Jesus today. I got through the Gospel with Megan, a pretty girl with light brown hair, wearing a lacy top under a black hoodie. She was sitting in the MAC with a guy I knew, “D” who hollered out to me and walked over later to be joined by Josh a guy I pray for who I often run into. I dropped the atonement really quickly with a vet named Steven (just the atonement but left him the booklet). He had short sandy hair and thought he’d go to Heaven because he had served his country. I said because you did something good, and he agreed. Might be some seeds planted there as Megan took a Bible. Alex story is below if you have time.

Alex was sitting just off the main E/W hallway on the 2nd floor of the south side of the BIC building. He sat in a connecting hallway a couple steps south in some Chairs. He had a mop of bright red hair, kind of a boyish face, clean shaven with a smaller pointed nose and chin. He played basketball. He was wearing a black pull over hoodie and black sweats of some cotton blend. He seemed to be built pretty solid. I asked him one thing he’d like to do before he died and he said, “Spread the Bible, give my life to Jesus basically.” I asked him what he’d say to God if he died and was asked why should he be let you into Heaven and he said, “I shouldn’t. I’ve sinned like everyone else… I’ve done my due diligence with spreading the word.” It turned out he helped his grandma at Bible camps she ran up in Michigan. He thought he had a 90% chance of going to Heaven. I began to go through the Gospel with him and said that God had to take away his sin so that he would be purified and match God and God would live inside him. I asked him what God had done with Jesus to take away his sins. “I don’t know,” he said after a moment of thought. So I said something like this is how it works and began to explain the Jesus lived a perfect life for him that he could not live, died for him and His blood purified us was a payment for our sins. I explained the righteousness of God earned by Christ that we inherited when God adopted us as his children. I said he could receive this by faith. I asked if he wanted to be forgiven for his sins so God could live inside him and give him strength. “Yeah,” he replied. I said that there was a prayer he could pray then. I talked him through it and said, “It says here ‘Does this prayer express the desire of your heart?’ So would you say it does?” He said it did. I said he could pray it silently “would you want to do that?” “Um hum,” he replied and took the booklet and prayed to receive Jesus. He had a Bible so I explained living the Christian life “Inside > Out” and to him the likelihood he was going to Heaven now was 100% trusting in the Blood and Righteousness of Jesus. I gave him a copy of Bible Promises for You and wrote his name and the date and “forgiven!” in the front and he thanked me. I also gave him a Bible Study and The Case for Christ Answer Booklet. I told him I might not see him again but I would keep him in my prayers until a year from Spring and reminded him my email was on the back of the booklet. “I reached out to shake his hand and he shook mine saying, “Thanks so much, I appreciate it.” “Yeah I’ll see you in Heaven,” I replied and I headed off.

So thanks for your prayers for the ministry and for evangelism today if you had a chance God truly blessed.

In Him,
