Results of the Work – 10/7/22

Hey Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

I hope you had a good day walking with the Lord.  I had a good day on campus doing some Bible Study with a student and then later Max prayed with me to receive Christ. Please pray he grows in his faith and dependence upon God. His story follows below if you have some time.

Max was sitting in some booths that are right inside the doors at the top of the waterfall. There used to be a bank there and the booth’s have no tables so it’s kind of a leftover furniture look. He had a mop of dark brown hair that swept out randomly and slightly broader nose and a squared off chin. He wore jeans and a T-shirt. He had a slight build. I said my family was mostly from Sweden and asked where his was from saying he looked Indian or Pakistani, “My family’s from Mexico but a lot of people say that he said smiling.” I told him I envied his ability to get a tan, and I couldn’t and he laughed and said, “Thanks.” I asked him what he would say to God if he died and he said, “Um, because I accepted Jesus Christ died for my sins.” I said that was the right answer and after I asked he thought the likelihood he would go to Heaven was 100%. Once in a while times a Christian kid is impatient with hearing the Gospel so I didn’t want to bore him by going through it and almost gave him the cliff notes version and handed him the book to share with someone else. But for some reason I decided to go through the presentation of it and let him hear it. I explained that God wanted to know and live inside him but first He had to take away his sins and make him His type, “Like a blood transfusion,” I said and asked, “What is the thing that Jesus does to take away your sins?” He thought for a minute and said, “I don’t know.” It isn’t uncommon for people to say “Because I am a child of God” or “Because I love Him” and then not understand the Gospel. But I am pretty sure this was the closest I had heard to a clear expression of the Gospel but Max had not understood what he’d just said. I know this because I went on to explain that Jesus lives a perfect life we could not and died on the cross pouring out his blood. “The blood of Jesus cleanses us from all sin” I quoted. “Oh,” he said frankly as if he’d not heard that before. I explained that Jesus blood was worth an infinite amount and paid God back for all the imperfect things we had done to damage God’s world that we owed Him something perfect for, “God forgives you because He got paid, but He had to pay Himself.” I went on to explain the righteousness of Christ to our credit. Receiving Christ and salvation by faith and in finishing asked if he would want to “be forgiven for your sins trusting in what Jesus had done on the cross to pay for your sins and forgive you, so God can live inside you? Or do you thing something else.” “Be forgiven,” he replied. “Well it doesn’t seem like you’d ever had a chance to put this together before right?” “No,’ he admitted. So I said if he’d want to be forgiven there was a prayer he could pray and asked if he would want to pray it. “Yeah sure,” he replied and he took the booklet and prayed to receive Jesus. I explained the Christian life living inside out. He did not have his own Bible so I gave him one showing him the cross reverences, maps, devotionals and the list of 99 doctrines in the front and where to find them in the Bible. I wrote his name and the date and “forgiven!” in the front. I gave him Bible promises for You and The Case for Christianity Answer Booklet and a Bible study on the deity of Christ. He thanked me and I said, “This is now 100%. Because now trusting in the righteousness of Jesus to be your righteousness, how righteous is Jesus—100% righteous. And what’s His righteousness worth?—an infinite amount so there’s enough for an old Biker like me and a young guy like you that hasn’t hardly even done anything yet, God will forgive us both.” I told him I would see him in Heaven and since I was old I would get there first. And so I’d so him where all the cool places are. He said, “Yeah,” pleased he’d have a tour guide. And I head off.

So thanks for your prayers for the Ministry and for Evangelism Thursday if you had a chance, God truly blessed. 44 students have prayed with me to receive Christ so far this year on campus.

In Him,
