Results of the Work – 5/12/22

Hey Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

I hope your day was blessed today. I had a good day on campus. I found out Aaliyah prayed to receive Jesus after I talked to her on Tuesday. I had a long talk I wish I could have tape recorded of Andrew a Believer. I went through the Gospel with him last semester. He was asking me every question under the sun for over an hour. I gave him “Why Trust the Bible” and “100 Prophecies of Jesus” Rose publications. I also gave him The Case for Christianity Answer Booklet and some directions for what to look for online. I explained the cannon to him, the Trinity and gave him a Bible Study on the deity of Christ and many other things and gave him my contact information.  He’s blonde easy going guy, a real thinker. Aaliyah’s story is below if you have some time. Please pray she grows in her faith.

Today Aaliyah had changed her hair as the black girls I encounter are want to do. Now she had long braids past her elbows hanging freely down, Tuesday she had stacked and woven the braids up behind her head in an interesting bunching (you can tell I have no knowledge of hair styles). She’s a pretty girl with full features, a sweet kind face. I had not recognized her as she was looking down as I approached her in the hall on the first floor under the police Station (it’s on the second above) also her hair threw me off. I asked her to do a student survey. “I already did that,” she said brightly,” I said I was sorry I did not recognize her and asked her name. “Aaliyah,” she replied. “With two A’s,” I asked, and she said yes and that we had talked on Tuesday. I said I had prayed for her. “I read through the booklet,” she said. I had gone through the version I use of it adding things as I go but there was a part on faith in the back she must have read along with the parts I skipped. “Did you pray the prayer in the back, “Yes!” she said happily. “Oh great,” I said and checked (to remind myself) the materials I had given her and said, something like that’s great you are sure now of everything. She agreed and I headed off. When I first encountered her she was in the second floor of the PE lounge against the wall of what is the swimming area on a couch. I asked her what she would say to God if He asked, “why should I let you into Heaven?” “I would say, ‘I’ve done what you’ve asked. I’ve fulfilled the will of God. I’ve fulfilled my purpose here on Earth.’” She was 100% sure she would go to Heaven. She had not understood the Gospel before as well as I explained it to her but with a bit of a prompt she remembered Jesus had died for her. As I finished going through the Gospel I knew she had not trusted in Christ for forgiveness but was very active and connected to her Church. I suggested she could trust in what Jesus had done for her on the cross and be forgiven and she replied something along the lines that Jesus was her entire life. So I walked her through the prayer anyway saying this was a way she could share her faith and gave her Bible Promises for You and a Bible Study and explained living “Inside out” like I would have had she trusted in Christ. She was polite and thanked me. I hope she would pray later. Later that day I saw her in the big Student Services Lounge in a row of stuffed chairs talking to another student. As I walked past her and gave a little wave and she acknowledged me a little stiffly and I hoped she was under conviction. But today she was bright and cheerful and forgiven. It was kind of God to run me into her again so I would know to continue to pray for her through the next year.

So thanks for your prayers for the ministry and for evangelism today if you had a chance, God blessed me today. I also got a seed planted with an older black guy LT who had a bit of grey on the sides out from under a watchman’s cap and a hear and there beard. He took the booklet and was thinking.

