Results of the Work – 3/16/2020

Hey Brothers and Sisters in Christ.

I hope your day was blessed and you are living without fear. After all The LORD is nigh unto all them that call upon him to all that call upon him in truth  [Psa. 145:18]. The exciting story beginning with  “I came to Christ on the first day of cancelled classes.” sadly will not be told, since no one came to Christ today. I actually found no one to talk to I spotted two students studying neither were interested. I’ve never seen the school more empty. Of course no one hangs out there if they do not have a class.  Ironically there is no real community at a community college. So I guess for a while it’s night as Jesus said in John 9:4 “We must work the works of Him who sent Me, as long as it is day; night is coming, when no man can work.

Thanks for praying,
