Results of the Work — March 5

Hey Brothers and Sisters in Christ,


Hope you had a good day; I had a good day of sharing with the students and three students trusted Christ payment on the cross for their sins to make them right w/ God today, Karen, Kristy and Terrence.


Karen was the first person I talked to today so that was great when someone early in the day trusts Christ so you know God has already blessed you no matter how the rest of the day goes. She is Roman Catholic and goes to church in Batavia. Karen is kind of typical of many of the Roman Catholic peeps I talk to in that she had some general concept of Christianity but did not understand the cross of Christ or His substitutionary atonement for her dying and rising from the dead. She hoped everyone deserved forgiveness and that God would forgive her but was really hoping she was good enough and doubted some that she was. She was a friendly, pretty, brown-haired girl and after I went through the gospel w/ her I asked her if she would like to be forgiven for her sins so God could live inside her and she said she would. So I asked her “Well, it did not seem like you really understood that Jesus had died to take away your sins? I know when you are a kid growing up in church sometimes you just kind of go along with whatever your parents are up to but as a woman have you ever said to God that you would like to be forgiven for your sins because of what Jesus has done for you on the cross?” She said she hadn’t. So I showed her a prayer and explained it and said she could pray it in her hear if she wanted as if I wasn’t even there if she’d like to and she smiled and said she would and prayed to receive Christ. She liked to read so I asked her about some topics and she said she liked science so I gave her The Case for a Creator to read and a Bible study. She was really happy and I told her I would pray for her that she would grow and we shook hands and she said it was nice to meet me. So pretty great.


The last two people I talked to were a couple, Terrence and Kristy. They were sitting at a table in the Cafeteria; he was playing around w/ her phone. She seemed to be soft spoken and he said they would do a survey w/ me. Kristy thought she had been a good person, though Terrence seemed skeptical about that, he said he thought he had repented for all his sins before. But neither of them knew how the cost of their sins was paid for by God with Jesus death on the cross. They both tracked with me pretty well and after I explained the gospel to them they wanted to pray to receive Christ so I explained how they could by showing them a prayer and they did. Kristy didn’t have a Bible, she seemed to be from a Catholic Background, she is White Terrence was black and seemed more protestant I the way he responded to stuff. I gave her a Bible I had just gotten out of the truck as I had given one to another student earlier. It was a life application New Living Bible so that should be good Terrence was really interested in it to. I showed her where to begin reading in John, gave them each a copy of More than a Carpenter to read and a Bible study and got their e-mail to send them another story form Max Lucado.


So I had a good day right up to the last and some other good conversations. Thanks for your prayers for me and the lost. And please pray for the three students who trusted Christ today, Karen, Kristy and Terrence.


So thanks for your prayers, I am believe Marian has come to Christ.


Blessings in Him,