Results of the Work — February 23

Hey Brothers and Sisters in Christ,


How’s it going for you today, raining and a cold 35 degrees in Chicago and more of the same tomorrow, so if ya don’t live near me ya got that goin’ for ya. Earlier in the day I spoke with Marian and after I went through the Gospel with her she committed to believing that Jesus had died for her and trusting in that to make her right with God. She understood the atonement for the first time. She is from a Roman Catholic Background and her Grandmother was very religious she said. She prayed each day and her Grandmother sent her a rosary, though she didn’t seem to know what it was called until I mentioned it and doesn’t use it to pray. She hope she was going to heaven because she was good b4 we spoke, I’d asked her to talk b4 but she didn’t want to, but she had been thinking about it and had changed her mind so I’m glad God led me to ask her to talk again. After I went through the prayer with her and asked if it was the desire of her heart she said it was and asked to keep the booklet, which is the polite way to say she didn’t want to pray in front of me and I can understand that as I am practically a stranger. I gave her More than a Carpenter to read and a Bible study and as I said good bye she said “Wow this was really a good experience.” And I smiled and promised to pray for her.


I had a good day of sharing and spent two hours talking with a Christian guy Dan from 1:30 until 3:30 bout his views of life and the world. He is the first person I have met that actually has studied the Mayan Calendar so he had some interesting things to say about that and other things he had learned studying world religions. I wanted to talk him around and be sure he was orthodox where it mattered and he was and he gave me some things to look into. It is tough talking to some of the students who are well informed about the financial markets and the state of the world to be optimistic with them about their futures as it seems unlikely America will look anything like what it was while I was coming through it after college, but God will be faithful to keep us in His ways.


I also got to give one of the Russian Language New Testaments my friend at Russian Ministries gave me to a young woman who did not speak any English and was at school for the English as a second language program. It is pretty cool with testimonies from well-known people from Russian Speaking culture in the front. I haven’t had a chance to run into Mohera who I had gotten the books for but he gave me a few so now I carry one around in my bag in case a Russian Speaking person comes into my path.


So thanks for your prayers, I am believe Marian has come to Christ.


Blessings in Him,