Hey Sisters and Brothers in Christ,
I hope your day was blessed and you are feeling cool as soon it will be the Yuletide time. So we covered the potted plants for tonight’s snow and Ellen cut the last of the green tomatoes to do some last recipe with as it looks to be no warmer than 40 for the rest of the year. Max prayed to receive Jesus today his story is below. Tate a tall solid build strawberry blonde Methodist, dressed in sweats with a mustache was close, saying he would pray when he was alone. “I picked up what you are laying down when you were taking about the crucifixion,” he also said. I encouraged some Christians also so it was a good day of ministry.
Max was sitting in the cafeteria. He had a zip neck two toned pullover and jeans on. He was clean-shaven and had parted, longer brown hair, wavy bangs, shaggy to his jaw line and a bit longer in back. He wanted to fly jets. So I mentioned that, at the end in talking about the Holy Spirit’s power saying God could help him to fly by the power of the Spirit in him. I mentioned the book, God is My Co-Pilot. I asked him what he would say to God if he died and was asked “Why should I let you into Heaven?” “I believe in forgiveness. I tried the best of my ability to be humble throughout life,” he replied. I asked what the likelihood was he would go to Heaven. He said, “I don’t know I don’t think there is a way to know.” He said he went to church when I asked. He said it was a Catholic Church. I began to go through the Gospel with him as he finished the bits of his lunch in the cafeteria at the table where we sat, half way in near the trashcans. I asked what God had done with Jesus to take away the sins of the world. “He was crucified,” Max replied, it came to him right away. As I explained that the blood of Jesus had cleansed him I said this was how God got paid. That Jesus blood was worth an infinite amount so it paid God back for the imperfect things we owed God for having done. When I said God got paid, he gave me a smirk and said that made sense. I explained the righteousness of God Christ had earned and, it was to his credit. “Like if you marry a millionaire you got a million bucks or if you get adopted by a billionaire you get to live in the mansion drive the cars and fly the planes” That got him to smile. God adopted him and gave him the blessings of his family, the sacrifice for his sins, blood that cleansed him and righteousness that surrounded him and then filled him with the Holy Spirit. I said then this was what was seen in the mass, the wafer was symbolic of His body and the wine His blood so it was commemorating Jesus had died for him and so he was forgiven. “So when you take it you should just say, ‘Thank You.’ I could tell looking him in the eyes then, he had not thought to do that. I explained that this was received by faith and faith saved him, “Not that you just knew the story but that this is what you place your trust in to be forgiven. So if someone would ask you why should God let you into Heaven you should just say, ‘Because Jesus died for me.” I asked if he would want to be forgiven and explained the other options. In response he said something like, “I’d be there,” pointing at the circle with Christ on the throne. I said if he wanted to be forgiven there was a prayer he could pray. I talked him through it asking if it was the desire of his heart and if it was he could pray it silently. “I wouldn’t hear you but God would hear and you’d know you were forgiven.” He took the booklet then and prayed to receive Jesus and closed the booklet and set it to his left away from me. I told him he could keep it and he said, “Thank you.” I explained the Christian life “By the Spirit’s power living “Inside Out” and told him God could teach him how to fly a jet as I mentioned. I gave him Bible Promises for You and wrote his name and the date and forgiven on the inside. He really seemed grateful I also gave him a Bible study on the deity of Christ from the Old and New Testament showing him one example and I gave him The Case for Christ Answer Booklet He shook my hand and thanked me again and I told him I would pray for him a Bible verse each day until Spring and one year after. I got up to go and he got up to toss out his trash. And I headed out.
So thanks for your prayers for the ministry and for evangelism today if you had a chance. God blessed again.
In Him,