Results of the Work – 10/14/24

Hey Sisters and Brothers in Christ,

I hope you day a great day as one of the righteous marching for Jesus. I had a long slow day on campus somehow, talking to believers, and one Muslim (Muhammad who was a small guy mop of hair mustache and chin beard, really friendly guy, had what I think was a Pakistan accent. He had friend who was a girl who had “converted” and had been talking to him about Jesus), and a future fireman who was polite but not interested. But the last guy I spoke with Victor prayed to receive Jesus today, please pray he grows in the faith. Thanks for your prayers. His story is below if you want to spend the time.

 Victor walked into the side hall lounge on the south side of the Health and Science building, just as I looked in. So as he sat down I asked if he wanted to do a student survey. He was a handsome guy with a sharp jaw line and perfect brown skin. He was a Latino with a mop of curly hair, shirt on the sides and a mustache and a beard just below his chin. He was wearing black jeans riding low and baggy (coming back in style?) and a black pull over hoodie. It turned out he was friends with a couple of the guys I talk to on campus who are in another Bible Study. He had a family-oriented response that is a good sign to the question: “What’s one thing you want to do before you die?” He said, “Prolly give the best for my future kids.”  I asked what he would say if he was walking down the road and got hit by a bus and was dead and God asked: “Why should I let you into Heaven?” I feel like it was the drivers fault it wasn’t my fault,” he said. Since he had not picked up on what I was after I asked what he thought it was that got someone into Heaven and asked if he ever went to Church. He said he’d been to Church. “I haven’t thought a lot about that specific question,” he replied. He thought he had about a 75% chance of going to Heaven.  As I went through the Gospel he tracked well with one of those “Oh ok I get it” smirks periodically I explained things. I asked what Jesus had done to take away the sins of the world—so God could live inside him. “I can’t say I know,” he replied. So I explained the Blood to cleanse him on the cross and righteousness of Jesus earned by Him to his credit. I said he was saved by faith. “So would you want to be forgiven for your sins trusting in what Jesus had done, His blood and righteousness? Then his Spirit would live inside you and give you strength. Or do you think something else?” “Probably that one seems the best one,” he replied pointing at the circle with God inside. His buddies walked by the outside of the lounge and then and he said he knew them as they said hey to me. (I had given one of them a pocket NT outlining the Roman Road to use to share his faith.) So I said if he wanted to be forgiven there was a prayer he could pray and I explained it to him. Asking it if was the desire of his heart. He said “Yeah.” I said he could pray it silently and only God would hear and asked if he would want to. He did and took the booklet and his friends came back, one fist bumped me and the other one shook my hand and I joked I will always shake your hand if I’m holding it. The interruption only threw Victor for a minute fortunately. He prayed then to receive Jesus as I looked over, after they left, he had closed his eyes to pray. When he finished he thanked me.  I said the likelihood he would now go to Heaven was 100% trusting in the righteousness of Jesus, which was worth an infinite amount because Jesus had earned it and His blood which was worth and infinite amount as well because He was God. I was old and so had sinned more than him but there was enough for us both. He said he could read his mother’s Bible so did not need one so I gave him Bible Promises for You and wrote his name and the date and “forgiven!” in the front. I gave him a Bible study on ways Jesus claims to be God showing him the prophecy and retelling him the miracle of Jesus walking on the water. He had not heard the miracle before. I gave him The Case for Christ Answer Booklet too. I said I would pray a Bible Verse for him every day from now until one year later. “I don’t know If I’ll see you again but I will be praying,” I said. “I have a class at 2 PM but I will be around tomorrow,” he said. I told him if he saw he and had any questions to flag me down. “You got questions I got answers,” I quipped. “Nice to meet you, thank you,” he replied. “Nice to meet you too,” I said getting up to go.  “I’ll see you around,” he replied. “Ok,” I said and headed off.

So thanks for your prayers for the ministry and for evangelism today if you had a chance. God truly blessed and was faithful to do His work.

In Him,
