Hey Sisters and Brothers in Christ,
I hope your day was filled with good things from the Lord who gives us the power to walk uprightly. I had a good day on campus and Floyd prayed with me to receive Christ today. Kind of a strange name for a girl, (or for Pink Floyd the rock band). I had a good conversation with Ellie (a tall blonde girl with black glasses in the PE lounge) who had never been to Church and hadn’t previously known the Gospel. She had recently found her grandmothers Bible and was reading it. Floyd’s story is below if you have some time. Please pray she grows in her faith. Thanks for your prayers.
Floyd was sitting in the hallway on the way to the bookstore entrance and said she’d do a survey. She had a black ball cap on that said “Spirit”, long dark brown hair pouring out the back and a black hoodie that had a picture of a human hand making a peace sign outlined in white. She wore jeans and had aviator style wire rimmed glasses on, she was short and a bit plump, sweet cute face. She wanted to “Find somebody to settle down with” and talked about her dad. He’d said they should go back to Church but he’d been busy as a carpenter lately and she thought he felt like on Sunday he just needed to rest. I asked her what she would say to God if she died and He asked, “Why should I let you into Heaven?” “These are some really deep questions,” she said. “I really need to think.” She thought for a bit and said, “Because I did the best that I could in life.” I asked her what the likelihood of her getting into Heaven was and she said, “90%, I don’t want to be like all I’m definitely getting into Heaven.” She was trusting in how good she was to get into Heaven. I went through the Gospel with her telling her God wanted to take away her sin so that she’d be His type and he could transfuse His life into Her. Then live inside her with His Holy Spirit. I asked what it was that Jesus had done to take away her sins. She thought for a moment and said, “I don’t remember.” So I began to explain what Jesus had done in giving His life. His blood had cleansed her and paid God back for the imperfect things we did that we owed God something perfect in return for having damaged what belonged to Him. I explained the righteousness of God Jesus earned that was to her credit when God adopted her. I said that she needed to receive Christ and so if someone asked her why God should let her into Heaven she’d say because Jesus died for me. “I was going to say that, because everyone that goes to Church and believes in God goes to Heaven,” her statement had an implied “Right?” she did not say. So I told her that it depended on what people believed about God and what Jesus had done. Some people went to Church and were not trusting in Jesus that he had died for their sins. I explained you had to be transformed inside to go to Heaven. Almost like as if Heaven was all water and you could not breath there unless your lungs were transformed. You had to be transformed inside to go to Heaven but only God can do that. That only can happen if you believe in Jesus so He can take away your sins and live inside you with His Holy Spirit. I said trusting in what Jesus had done to forgive her meant she had faith and read, “For by grace you have been saved by faith.” I asked if she would want to be forgiven for her sins or thought something else. “I think I would want to be forgiven for my sins,” she said. “If you want to be forgiven there’s a prayer you can pray,” I said and I explained it to her saying she could pray it silently. “I could add this to my prayers I pray each night,” she said liking the prayer. So I said again she could pray it silently right now, I wouldn’t hear her but God would hear and she’d know she was forgiven and could get started with God living inside her. “Wanna do it?” “Yeah sure,” she replied and she took the booklet and prayed to receive Jesus. I said then that the likelihood she would go to Heaven was 100% now trusting in Jesus’ infinite righteousness and His blood of infinite worth to save her. I said that even though, being old, I had sinned way more than her if the ceiling fell on us from the construction down the hall and we both died we’d both be forgiven. She said her dad said, “God was a Gentleman, you have to invite Him in to you.” I told her that was good and I wrote it down. I made sure she had a Bible and I gave her Bible Promises for You writing her name and the date and “forgiven!” in the front. I gave her The Case for Easter and a Bible study explaining that a bit. “Thanks for all this,” she said holding the books, booklet and the Bible study. “You’re welcome I’ll pray for you each day from now until Spring and one year after asking God to bless you.” She thanked me and I said “Have a good one man.” ” You too, it was nice meeting you,” she said smiling. “Nice meeting you,” I said returning the smile and I got up and headed off.
So thanks for your prayer for the ministry and for evangelism today if you had a chance, God truly blessed.
In Him,