Results of the Work – 2/5/24

Hey Sisters and Brothers in Christ,

I hope your day was blessed with all good things from above and you’re healthy and well. I was told by a couple students today there is something “going around” that has a lot of people out sick. I imagine I had it last week. Still trying to get some energy back but Pearla prayed and trusted Christ today and another girl Megan was going to process it more, she had reddish brown hair in the MAC lounge. I gave her The Case for Christ Answer Booklet, which she seemed happy to get saying, I like books.”  Pearla’s story is below if you have some time.

Pearla was sitting at a table down a couple of stairs on the way to the little theatre the drama department uses. A couple other students have trusted Christ at that counter height table. She was wearing a powder blue puffy down coat and khaki pants. Latina, her hair was straight and to her elbows. She had a pretty oval face and was thin. I asked her what she would say to God to get into Heaven if she died. She thought a second and said, “I would say I’m not that bad of a person compared to like…” she paused. “Hitler?” I put in. “Yeah that’s what I’d say,” she finished. She thought she had a 50/50 chance of going to heaven. She went to Church off and on with her mom. I explained how God wanted to live inside her with His Holy Spirit but first would have to make her His type.  I asked, “So do you know what Jesus did to take away the sins of the world?”  “Yeah,” she replied then said, thinking a moment, “Well no I don’t.” So I began to go through the Gospel with her and she took it all in, the Blood that cleansed her poured out on the cross and that this was how God got paid, but He had to pay Himself. She listened to the righteousness of Christ and finally I said God wanted to adopt her and give her these things. She had to believe placing her faith in that Jesus was God had died for her sins and rose from the dead. I asked if she would want to be forgiven or thought something else. “I would want to be forgiven,” she replied. I said there was a prayer she could pray and talked her through it asking if it was the desire of her heart. “Yeah,” she said looking at the prayer. I said she could pray it right then and “I wouldn’t hear her but God would hear” and then she’d know she was forgiven trusting in Jesus. “Wanna do that?” I asked. “Um, Yeah,” she replied and she prayed to receive Jesus. I said she could keep the booklet and began explaining the Christian life reading the Bible and praying. Her mom had a Bible she could read so she did not want one but said she’d get one from me later if she did. I told her that now trusting in the Righteousness of Jesus to be her righteousness the likelihood she would go to Heaven was 100%. I told her I would pray a Bible Verse for her each day though Spring and one year after. This sounded good to her and she thanked me. I explained living the Christian life “Inside Out” by the Spirit’s power.  I gave her a Bible Study and Bible Promises for You and wrote her name and the date and “forgiven!” in the front and she said, “Oh, thank you.” I explained she could use the verses as a prayer or just be encouraged buy them. I also gave her The Case for Christ Answer Booklet. I explained that the Mass was symbolic of what I’d told her, and she looked as if she did not have understanding so I said, “The wafer is symbolic of Jesus Body and the Wine symbolic of His blood” and when she took it she could just say, “thank you” knowing because He died for her she was forgiven. “Thank you for your time,” I said getting up to go. “Thank you, thank you so much,” she replied and I headed off.

Thanks so much for your prayers for the ministry and for evangelism today if you had a chance.

God truly blessed.
