Results of the Work – 11/21/23

Hey Sisters and Brothers in Christ,

 I hope your holiday left you blessed and filled. We took in a restaurant with Ellen’s parents and nephew in town and Ellen made a pumpkin pie. So I was blessed. On Tuesday, which now seems like a week ago, Kailey trusted in Christ as her savior praying to receive Him which I was thankful for. I’d be grateful for your prayers for her to come into a deeper walk with Christ. She attends an evangelical church in Naperville. Thanks for your help.


 Kailey was sitting on the NE corner of the second floor of the BIC building. She had light brown hair in a random bun and had a small lovely face. She had petite pointed nose and sharp jaw line pretty mouth and a tiny diamond like stud in her left nostril.  Thin, she wore a fleece zip-neck gray pull over with snowflakes all over it and maroon red leggings. She was outside her classroom in a row of chairs because the door appeared to be locked and by God’s providence, no one was going inside. I asked her if she wanted to do a student survey for a Bible study group. As I recall she had talked to someone about a Bible Study already. I said that the big question of the survey was this: “You’re walking down the road and you get hit by a bus. So you’re dead. And you stand before God and he asks, ‘Why should I let you into Heaven?’ What would you say?”  “What would you say?” She asked. Usually when someone turns it back on me for an answer tell them I will tell them what I’d say after they tell me, “I asked you first.” But for whatever reason, maybe kind of intuitively realizing I did not have much time, I just began to go through the Gospel with her beginning with “Christianity is like a blood transfusion…” She tuned right in and as I began to explain that God wanted to live inside her but first had to take away her sins, to make her His type.  I asked what it was that Jesus had done to take away her sins and she thought as I rephrased it and said, “He died.” I said, “Right.” Then I began to quickly clarify the implications of the death of death in the death of Christ. The guys near us had begun talking again and I prayed there’d be a longer delay. At one point her professor walked up, he could not get the door open either and I heard his call to the facilities number complaining his door was locked. I explained the righteousness of God (Christ earned) to her and that God wished to adopt her and give her, “…the blessings of His family, He gives us the sacrifice for our sins the blood that cleanses us and the righteousness of God that surrounds us. So ya got some place to go, Heaven, and something to wear when ya get there, the righteousness of God.” I said all this could be hers by Grace through faith. I asked her if she wanted to be forgiven for her sins and she said, “Yes”. So I said if she wanted to be forgiven there was a prayer she could pray. And I went through it with her saying she could pray it silently. She took the booklet and prayed to receive Jesus. I explained the Christian life by the Spirit’s Power living “Inside out”. Then I went back to the questionnaire I only had her name on. I said one of the questions had she done the survey was what is the likelihood she would now go to Heaven. I said it was 100% trusting in the righteousness of Jesus and His be her righteousness and His blood, both were worth an infinite amount.  “I’m old, so I have sinned way more than you. I sin each year and it just adds up and I have to ask forgiven for those sins. But if we both died right now, if there was an earthquake or something, there would be enough of Christ’s righteousness to cover us both because it is worth an infinite amount. And His blood to pay for our sins because He is God is worth an infinite amount.” I gave her Bible Promises for You and wrote her name and the date and “forgiven!” on the inside. “Thank you so much,” she said as I gave it to her. I said I would pray a Bible verse for her each day from now through spring and then one year after asking that she would be blessed. I also gave her The Case for Christ Answer Booklet and a Bible Study saying, “I’m making you late for class.” But she seemed in no hurry. Her teacher had somehow moved the handle a different way and he and a couple guys had gone in. “Well it was nice to meet you, thank you for everything,” she said earnestly. “Nice to meet you too,” I replied and I got up and headed down the hall to the south and she went into the corner classroom where conversation had already begun on the inside.


So thanks for your prayer for the ministry and for evangelism during the week. There are just two more weeks until we break for Christmas for the Semester. 75 Students had prayed to receive Jesus after I told them the Gospel this fall.


In Him,
