Results of the Work – 3/2/22

Hey Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

I hope your day was a good one in the Lord, living for Him. I had a good day on campus and got through the Gospel with several people. Only one, Vlad prayed with me to receive Christ. His story though short (as I never did a survey with him) is below. Please pray he grows in his faith.

Vlad was sitting in the cafeteria eating the last of his lunch of french fries. He had on a grey and black wool shirt and a t-shirt, black pants. He was a good-looking kid, on the small side, Latino. His hair was very short on the sides and a short mop on top, young face. I asked him if he wanted to do a student survey on what he thought about God. “I believe in God,” he said. I said, “Well would you like to do a survey on what you think? The main questions is you are walking down the road and you get hit by a bus, so you are dead, and you stand before God and he asks you, ‘Why should I let you into Heaven?’ what would you say?” He wasn’t sure what to say so I asked if he would want to hear what the Bible says is the answer to the question. He agreed. So I took out the booklet and used some of the verses in it and added 5 or so more and explained the blood and righteousness of Christ to him. He was engaged and had a lot of fries to finish which until the very end was popping into his mouth dipped in sause. I asked if he would want to be forgiven with God living inside him and explained other options and he thought about it for a moment. “Be forgiven?” I asked again. “Yeah,” he said deciding. So I walked him through the prayer and asked if he’d want to pray it right then and he nodded and took the book and prayed to receive Christ. I told him he could keep it and he said, “Sweet.” I explained living by the Spirit’s power and the Fruit of the Spirit, “Inside Out”. I gave him the Book Bible Promises for You writing his name and the date and forgiven I the front. I explained a symbolic view of the mass and gave him a Bible study on the deity of Christ. I said I would be keeping him in my prayers for the next year. He thanked me and I headed out.

So thanks for your prayers for the Ministry and for Evangelism today if you had a chance. God truly blessed.

In Him,
