Results of the Work – 8/23/21, First day of classes

Hey Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

I hope your day was blessed with all good things. Brieana, Delyla Jermaine each prayed to receive Jesus today and Guadalupe (whom I gave a Bible to, had curly hair and a black mask in the PE lounge) and Tyler (A former military guy wearing a Blackhawks sweater and felt God had carried him in the military but had not understood salvation) were close committing to Christ saying they would pray later.

Driving up I could see how empty the school would be by the parking lot. At first I felt like a gunslinger showing up for a shootout in a ghost town. But I know God will continue to work at His good pleasure. I’m grateful He brought people to Christ today by your prayers, so I would know to keep up the work with students. We are thinking about a Bible Study on Zoom.

Brieana was sitting outside on the half wall overlooking the outdoor theater. She had fair skin and full features, pretty black girl. Her hair was in two-tone grey/black braids past her shoulders. She wore a pink top and had faded blue jeans on. It turned out she throws shot put in track & field, though she looked too short and slight to do it. She went to church when she was younger and was not interested in a survey, but was willing to answer the question “You’re walking down the road, and you get hit by a bus, so you’re dead. And you stand before God and He asks, ‘Why should I let you into heaven?’ What would you say?” She struggled for a while a bit bemused and said, “Because I’m a good person.” I said, “Yeah most people would say that,” and then I said that Jesus said you must be perfect as your Heavenly Father is perfect. I explained she would not fit in in Heaven and asked her if she wanted to know what the Bible said so she could get in. She agreed and listened closely as I went through the Gospel with her. She seemed to not remember until later that Jesus had died for her sins. But as I finished explaining the sacrifice of Jesus and His imputed righteousness, she said she would want to trust in Jesus. I said she could pray silently to receive Christ, walking her through the prayer and asked her if she’d like to pray, “Sure,” she said and prayed to receive Jesus. Her mom called as I was explaining the Christian life by the Spirit, so I took out a Bible Promises For You book to give her and wrote “by the Spirit’s Power in the front” and her name and the date so she could remember when she’d been forgiven.

Delyla was sitting in the hall outside the bookstore in an overstuffed chair. She had a pale pink half top on and a jacket and jeans. Her hair was loosely curly and she had almond shaped eyes and smallish nose, a black mask on. She appeared African American. She went to church but she took the survey, answering the question with an “I don’t know it’s hard to say.” She thought she had a 60/40 chance of going to Heaven. She seemed happy to hear the Gospel though and she knew Jesus had died to take away our sins. She had not been trusting His Blood and Righteousness alone to save her. When I asked if she’d been hoping she was good enough or had believed on Jesus she said “a little of both.” But then when I walked her through the prayer and asked if she would like to fully place her trust in Jesus she said, “Fully trust in Him.” I said she could pray quietly so God alone would hear and she nodded and took the booklet and prayed to receive Jesus. I explained now trusting in Jesus, the likelihood she would go to Heaven was now 100%. I gave her the David Jeremiah book God Loves You: He Always has and He Always Will. I wrote her name and the date and “forgiven” in the front. She said she liked to read and also I gave her a Bible Study on the Deity of Christ. I said I would see her in Heaven and she was happy and thankful and I headed out.

Jermaine was sitting in the Science Building lounge on the ground floor. His mask was pulled under his chin. He was one of two people in the lounge, the other far away at the windows. He had a scruffy beard with a disconnected mustache and a loose-topped afro. His short-sleeve shirt was pink and he had shredded jeans on with patches under the worn places, bright white tennis shoes. Good looking black guy, big dude half again my size. He was not interested in a survey but was willing to answer the question saying, “Because of what I’ve done.” I checked to see if he meant good deeds and then said the Bible says it is a little different and that he had to be perfect to be in Heaven with God. He acknowledged that was a problem, so I asked if he wanted to hear from a little booklet how God fixed it so he could go to Heaven. He said he did. He focused right in and I kept asking if he understood what I meant. He did not know what God had done to take away his sins. I explained the Trinity a bit to him, when he asked, saying we were like a dysfunctional Trinity. “Like who are you talking to when you are driving? It’s like there is another you inside of you.” I explained God made Jesus inside Mary. “She is the only woman in the Bible who had a baby when she was a virgin right?” he asked. “Yes,” I replied. “Yeah I heard that before,” he replied. I continued explaining how God was Just and how He got paid for the perfect things we owed Him. I asked Jermaine then if he would want to trust in what Jesus had done for him (the circle on the right) after fully explaining the Gospel and the righteousness of Christ to His credit, or did he think something else? “The one on the right,” he replied. I said if he wanted to ask for forgiveness, God would forgive him. I explained the prayer to him, saying he could pray silently if he wanted and he simply said “Yeah.” He took the booklet and prayed to receive Jesus. He was attentive and he took the book Bible Promises For You. I wrote his name and the date and “forgiven” in the front and left him to head outside.

So thanks for your prayers for the ministry and for evangelism today if you had a chance. God truly blessed.

In Him,