Results of the Work – 1/21/20 Spring Semester

Hey Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

I hope your day was blessed with all good things from above. I had a good day on campus planting a few seeds with 3 or 4 students who were lost and Diana prayed with me to receive Jesus.

Diane was in the Southeast BIC lounge on the second floor eating some snacks and studying a bit. She said she’d do a survey with me, (which was a relief of sorts since about 20 students up until then had said “no thank you.”) She was wearing black leggings and a tweed black and white hoodie and white trainers. She was pretty and though her name would suggest a Mexican heritage her eyes were Asian in appearance. She had stick straight dark brown near black hair and pretty features, a pointed nose and went regularly to a Catholic Church. When I asked her what she would say if she died and God asked her why He should let her into Heaven she said that was a good question. Then thinking about it a bit she said, “I would just say I’ve tried my hardest to be on the right path.” I asked her what she thought the likelihood was she would go to Heaven and she said, “80% to be honest.” I think believing that wasn’t very good. I began to go through the Gospel with her and she did not seem to remember much from Church.  I explained that God wanted to transfuse His life into her, live inside her with His Holy Spirit. But first he had to make her His type by taking away her sins. “So what did Jesus do to take away your sins?” I asked. She thought for a moment and couldn’t think of anything and said, well He has to take away your sins to live inside you.” So I just began to explain that God sees we can’t come up to him because of our sin, so He comes down and becomes a man and lives a perfect life for us. Then he dies for our sin and his blood becomes a force in the world that purifies us saying, “The blood of Jesus cleanses us from all sin, 1John 1:7 says. So now you are perfect and holy inside and you match God now God can live inside you.” “Makes sense,” she said. I went through the rest of the Gospel, the righteousness of God, earned by Jesus, which was to her credit and that Jesus rose from the dead. I explained that was what the Mss was symbolic of the wafer was His body and the wine His blood and when she took it, it was to remind her she was forgiven because he had died for her so she should just say, “Thank You.” I explained she needed to receive Jesus, to believe He was God had died for her sins and rose from the dead. When I finished some of the other things about adoption and faith I asked if she’d want to be forgiven for her sins trusting in what Jesus had done or thought something else. “Would you want to be forgiven?” I asked. “Huh umm,” she said nodding. So I said she could pray silently to ask for forgiveness and God could live inside her and so she took the booklet and prayed to receive forgiveness. “Thank you,” she said then. “You’re welcome,” I replied. She did not have her own Bible, so I gave her one, writing her name, the date and “forgiven” in the front. I showed her the “Where to Turn,” section and explained she could read in the book of John. I gave her a Bible Study on Jesus’ claims to be God and 20 things God Can’t Do explaining that everything in the Christian life we do my God’s power by His Spirit in Us. “Jesus said to become as a child. Children hold your hand when you cross the street and life is full of streets. God wants you to trust Him and ask Him for help with everything.”  I got her email to send her another Bible Study and invited her to ours.  She thanked me again and I headed out.

So thanks a lot for your prayers for the ministry today and for evangelism if you had a chance. God blessed and even the kids who didn’t want to talk were nice about it.

