Results of the Work – 12/4/19

Hey Sisters and Brothers in Christ,

I hope your life’s been going good this morning walking with Jesus. I’ll be going out to campus today to look for some peeps to trust in Jesus. “We are from God; he who knows God listens to us; he who is not from God does not listen to us. By this we know the spirit of truth and the spirit of error.” 1John 4 So knowing this I’ll be preaching up the peeps today hoping that you’ll pray for me that I might focus on Christ and walk in Him to those who’d believe.

I hope your day was blessed yesterday with the nearness of God. I had an electrical problem at my house that knocked out the bathrooms electricity so I had to work on that last night and ran out of time to write. But Nuviana prayed to receive Jesus Wednesday.

I had walked around for several hours and got a few seeds planted but had a hard time finding many to talk to except the students who had already come to Christ chatting them up about their holiday meals. But the last person I talked to Nuviana was sitting in a lounge on the ground floor. She had a nearly ball shaped head, dark skin (she had moved to the US from Columbia as a child) cute face, a bit plump. Her her looked like it had been tight brushed out natural curls and she wore it pulled back behind her head. When I asked her what she would say to God to get into Heaven she said, “I probably would be like, ‘Whatever you think is best, it’s up to you.’ I guess I would just [say that] He knows what I’ve done.” She thought she had about a 40% chance of going to Heaven. She knew Jesus had died to take away our sin and regularly attended a Roman Catholic Church She listens to the Gospel and when I asked her if she’d want to be forgiven trusting in Jesus and that He was God had died for her and rose from the dead she said, “Yes be forgiven”. After we went back and forth a bit about how you should do good things, not merely believe and I pointed out these should be done by the power of God’s Spirit, living “Inside Out”.  I asked if when she was asking for forgiveness for her sins if she had been trusting in Jesus and that He had died for her (saying I knew she had known the story) or if she was just hoping she would be good enough and would try harder. “The latter,” she admitted and so after I walked her through the prayer saying she could pray it silently she prayed to receive Jesus. I gave her 20 Things God Can’t Do Writing Just Ask and By the Spirit’s Power,  in the front along with her name and the date and “forgiven” I gave her a Bible study and explained that now she was trusting in the righteousness of  Jesus to be her righteousness so the likelihood she would go to Heaven was 100%.  She had to run to class but I gave her a Bible study and she seemed grateful.

So thanks for your prayers for the ministry and for evangelism at school today and yesterday.

In Him,
