Results of the Work – 10/7/19

Hey Sisters and Brothers in Christ,

I hope your day was blessed and you lived in peace. I had a good day on campus and Kameron prayed with me to receive Jesus as her savior.

Kameron was sitting at the far end of the lounge by the student activities offices. African American, she had curly ringlets of brown hair swept across to one side of her head, full lips, narrow nose, cute kid. She wore torn up jeans showing bare knees. She had on a white sweat shirt under a faux white fur vest, with a hood, zipped up the front. When I asked her what she would say to God if she died and He asked Why should I let you into Heaven? she said, “I think I’d say… I… That’s a very deep question.” Then thinking a little more she said. “I’m a version of Himself. ‘Cause He made us all.” I said it was true we are made in the image of God. She agreed that sounded right. She thought she had a 90% chance of going to Heaven. I began to go though the Gospel with her and it turned out she went to a church in Wheaton. But I really don’t think she knew the gospel at all. When I asked her what Jesus had done to take away her sins, she couldn’t think of anything and queried me a bit for specifics and I said what he did for the world. But that did not bring anything to mind so I began to explain that God saw we could not go up to Him because of our sin so He came down and became a man Jesus who lived a perfect life. I explained that she owed God a perfect life and since she could not live one Jesus lived a perfect life for us, earning the righteousness of God and dying in our place on the cross so we would not have to die in Hell. His blood cleansed us and His righteousness was too her credit. I explained she needed to receive this by faith. “But not everyone believes,” she put in and I agreed. She gave small kinds of ascent when I said something she believed to be true in general. I asked her if she wanted to be forgiven for her sins or thought something else and she pointed at the circle with God inside. “It seems like you had never had a chance to put all this together before so you could trust in it right?” I asked. She agreed, nodding. So I said that if she wanted to trust in Christ to be forgiven so God could live inside her there was a prayer she could pray and talked her through it. “Is this prayer the desire of your heart?” I asked. She nodded affirming taking it all in. I said then she could pray it silently and God would hear her prayer and forgive her sins and live in her giving her all the strength she needed to live the Christian life. She took the booklet then and said, “You mean pray it out loud. I said, “No it is between you and God not me and you and God.” And she prayed silently to receive Jesus. I explained the Christian life living inside out and gave her the book 20 Things God Can’t Do and wrote her name and “forgiven” in the front telling her she could always remember. I wrote “by the Spirit’s Power” and “Just Ask” in the front and hurriedly gave her a Bible study as she had to go. “It was nice to meet ya,” I said getting up to go. She was smiling and said, “Nice to meet you too Bob.” I’ll see you in Heaven,” I said as I left and she laughed happily.

So thanks for your prayers for the ministry and for evangelism today if you had a chance. I had some productive conversations and knew God was with me.

In Him,
