Results of the Work – 9/23/19

Hey Sisters and Brothers in Christ,

I hope your day was blessed with all good things. I had a good day on campus and Clinton, and Tavian each prayed with me to receive Christ.

Clinton was sitting under the stairs at the opposite side of the foyer from the entrance to the Bookstore. He was wearing a colorful bandana headband his afro rough cut out the top. He had a beard on his jaw line heavier on his chin, mustache and a bit wider nose; he really looked a lot like Jimi Hendrix the guitarist from the 60’s. He had blue cotton sweats and wore a jacket with leather sleeves like a letterman jacket and t-shirt. He was a friendly guy from a Christian family. When I asked him what he would say to God if he died and was asked, “Why should I let you into Heaven?” he said, “Because I always did my best to be a good person. I’m a religious person. My parents raised me that my. Good morality-compass.” He thought he had a 75% chance of going to Heaven. We talked a bit about how bad things have gotten in the world and then I began to go through the Gospel with him. He knew God had offered Jesus as a sacrifice for our sins. He listened to the gospel and how the blood of Christ had cleansed him and the righteousness of God was imputed to him. I told him “You don’t go to Heaven because you are good but because Jesus is good and you are connected to Him. Like if you marry a millionaire you got a million bucks, if you get adopted into a Billionaire’s family you get to live in the mansion and drive the cars. So God adopts us into His family and gives us the blessings of His family. He gives you the sacrifice for your sins, the blood that cleanses you and the Righteousness of God that surrounds you. So it’s like you got someplace to go, Heaven, and something to wear when you get there, the Righteousness of God.” I told him he had to receive Christ, believe that He was God had died for his sins and rise from the dead. “But not that you just know the story but that that’s what you put your trust in so if someone were to say to you, ‘Why should God let you in Heaven?’ you’d say, “‘Cause Jesus died for me.” I asked him if he would want to be forgiven for his sins trusting in Jesus or if he thought something else. “Forgiven for my sins.” he said affirmingly. So I asked if when he was asking for forgiveness for his sins was he thinking he’d be forgiven for being religious because his was the kind of person God would forgive or were you thinking “I know I’ll be forgiven because Jesus died for me.” I told him I knew he knew the story but had he placed his trust in that to be forgiven. He said he was “hoping things would be alright, I wasn’t just focusing on Jesus and that He died.” So I said if he wanted to be forgiven there was a prayer he could pray and talked him through it saying he could pray it silently and know he was forgiven and asked if he’d want to take a minute and pray and he said, “Yeah.” He took the booklet then and prayed to receive Jesus. I explained the Christian life to him living “Inside Out”. I told him if he was trusting in Jesus’ righteousness to be his righteousness the likelihood he would go to Heaven was 100%. I gave him a Bible Study and 20 Things God Can’t Do writing his name and the date and “forgiven” in the front. I told him I would be praying for him. He gave me his email and we talked a bit and then I got up to go he shook my hand and said, “Thanks Bob. I appreciate ya man. This really made my day.” “Yeah cool,” I said. “I got to meet an actual Clinton, like Clint Eastwood.” He laughed and I headed out.

Tavern was sitting against the glass wall in the Science building lounge. He had small cross earrings with diamonds in them in his ears, wore a ball cap turned backwards, pretty dark skin, black skinny jeans, he was slender and wore circular glasses with plastic across the top and metal lower rims. He looked like the black dude that was the computer expert (villain) in the first “Die Hard” movie. Clean shaven, nice skin. He said he didn’t go to Church anymore and as his family seemed to have lost the habit. He said he prayed to God and felt like he had his own kind of relationship with Him. When I asked him what he would say to get into Heaven he said,  “‘Cause I’m a caring person and I like to put others needs before my own needs.” He thought the likelihood he would go to Heaven was 100%. I went through the Gospel with him and it seemed like it was novel. When I asked him if he knew what Jesus had done to take away his sins he said, “Yeah.” But since he didn’t really answer it as a question I just said something like this is how it works. I taught him everything I usually say. I asked him if he’d want to be forgiven or thought something else. “I’d want to be forgiven,” he said. So I said, “Do you believe Jesus was God He died for your sins and rose from the dead, do you think that’s true?” He thought just a slight moment and said, “Yeah.” I said if he’d want to place his trust in that to be forgiven there was a prayer he could pray. I talked him through it saying he could pray it silently and God would forgive him. I asked if he’d want to do it and he said, “Sure.” and he prayed to receive Jesus. He didn’t have a Bible so I gave him one and put his name and the date and “forgiven” in the front and showed him the “Where to Turn” section and the section in the back with Messianic Passages. I gave him 20 Things God Can’t Do and wrote “Just Ask” and “By the Spirit’s Power” in the front. “I explained living by the Spirit saying “God will give you the power to do everything He is asking you to do.” We talked some more about how screwed up the world was and about Dave Chappelle’s Netflix special that had gotten him in trouble with the left. I could only watch the first 10 minutes it was so dark but I listened to a review on it and he burns down a lot of sacred cows. I told him I would pray for him each night. I got up to go and said “Thanks for talking with me.” “Good talking’,” he replied. “Thank you.” “Yeah I’ll see you in Heaven,” I quipped and he gave me a grin and I was off.

So thanks for your prayers for the ministry and for evangelism today if you had a chance. God truly blessed.

In Him,
