Results of the Work – 9/3/19

Hey Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

I hope your day was blessed with all good things. An African American, Kiya, prayed to receive Jesus today. (Her name rhymes with Ikea the furniture store). 🙂 Michael trusted in Christ saying he would pray later so I gave in The Case for Christianity Answer Booklet and I’ll be praying for him more.

Kiya was sitting in the big lounge were we have Bible study. She is a big girl and has short braids on the top of her head nice smile. She wore green leggings and a t-shirt and was sitting alone at one of the tables. She said she had just started going back to church but had some anxiety problems, maybe with crowds she did not specify. But she had been baptized (it seemed more recently) and was going to a Bible study. When I asked her what she would say to God to get into heaven she said, “That’s a good question. I know that you just can’t go to Heaven because you are a good person, there’s a thing you have to do. It depends where I am at when I die.” She went on to say she thought she would go to Heaven. I asked her how sure and she said 80%. I began to go through the gospel with her and she knew Jesus had died to take away our sins. She was very serious all throughout. I explained the righteousness of God and His blood that cleansed us from all sin and His imputed righteousness. She paid close attention and as I finished I asked her if she wanted to be forgiven for her sins trusting in Jesus or thought something else. She wanted to be forgiven so I said, “When you are asking for forgiveness for your sins have you been thinking, I am a good person and am going to Bible study so I think God will forgive me or do you think I know I’ll be forgiven ’cause Jesus died for me“? She thought about it and said, “Kind of a little of both, if that’s possible,” saying it like she did not believe it was. “The Bible says you are either living or you are dead,” I replied. She agreed. I said something like, well if you wanted to be forgiven and don’t think you’ve trusting fully in Christ yet there is a prayer you could pray. I talked her through it and asked, “Do you think this is still something you need to do, say this to God?” She nodded that it was so I she could pray the prayer silently like I wasn’t even there. “Ok,” she replied and prayed to receive Christ. I explained the Christian life was reading the Bible and asked if she had one. “I need to get one,” she replied. I gave her one and showed her the “Where to Turn” section that answered questions and the section of fulfilled messianic passages. I put her name and the date and “forgiven” in the front and explained living the Christian life “By the Spirit’s power” And wrote that and “Just Ask” in the front of 20 Things God Can’t Do. I also gave her a Bible study on the deity of Christ. ‘Thank you so much, ” she said smiling and after getting her email I told her I would pray for her and she thanked me again and I was off.

So Thanks for your prayers for the minority and for evangelism today if you had a chance, God truly blessed.

In Him,
